Hire and Rental News - May 2014 - page 44

Firstly I would like to thank themembers
for electingmePresident for another year
andalso abig thank you toall theother
executive committeemembers. I won’t
single individuals out but they knowwho
they areand abig thank you for their
efforts in2013.
2013was a challenging yearwith the
associationasweare still struggling to
increase its profileoutside the industry
to amoremainstream audience.We
didhowevermake somegreat steps
forward in regards tooperator training
with the additionof a freely suspended
loadmodule in theGoldCardprogram.
Theprogram is laying a foundation for
theassociation to keeppromoting the
TelescopicHandler concept and topursue
the safe and effectiveuseof Telescopic
Handlers across industries and states and
territories. Hopefully it canbea catalyst
for a clear licencing and trainingprogram
for all Australia.
Todevelopabetter understandingof
TelescopicHandlers and todistinguishTSHs
Promoting TSHs and educating industry
from cranes anumber of initiatives are
planned for the comingmonths, including
additional briefings to industry groups
suchas thepresentation to theNSW
Department ofMines in late 2013 and
recently inDubbo. Apresentationwas also
planned for theWADepartment ofMines
and Petroleum in earlyApril.
As aheavily regulated industrywith
significant challenges the Telescopic
Handler canplay a valuable role in the
Australian resources industry formany
years to come. A copy of thepresentation
will beavailable tomembers andwill
surely bea valuable tool to educate the
community in thedifferences between
TSHs and cranes.
Other areas beingdeveloped togive
industry abetter understandingof the
TelescopicHandler is the association’s
annual inspection. The TSH annual
assessment document is a sensible
approach to ensure TSHs are ingood
workingorder and is agood exampleof
how industry canquite safely self-regulate
without theneed for adding additional
burdens and costs toAustralianbusiness.
I strongly encourage allmembers touse
and talkabout theTSH annual assessment
tool toprevent theuseof assessment
programs that havenot beendeveloped
by the industry andquite frankly haveno
relevance to a TSH andarenot ensuring
safeand effectiveuseof Telescopic
Theassociationwill keepworking
towards its goals: Togain recognitionand
educateAustralian industry in the safe
andeffectiveuseof the TelescopicHandler
concept and toprovide the tools to
developand educate industry in the safe
andeffectiveuseof the TelescopicHandler
in the interests of improving safety and
productivity in theworkplace.
Look forward to seeingmany of you
on theGoldCoast anddiscussinghow the
TSHA can keepworking towards these
National President
The 2014Hire&Rental Convention
will feature theXtreme Telehandler’s
Australiandebutwith theXR1255
telehandler ondisplay.
TheXtremeManufacturing story
started in 1999when thepresident of
AhernRentals, DonAhern, purchased
themanufacturing companyWestern
Attachment Company (WACO) located
inEugene, OR in theUSA. At the time,
WACO’s focuswas ondeveloping a lineof
rough terrain, vertical-mast forklifts.
Quickly after Don tookoverWACO,
engineers began thedesignand
development phaseof these telehandlers.
In July of 2002, Donofficially changed
WACO’s name toXtremeManufacturing to
better represent his philosophy of extreme
durability and extremequality.
XtremeManufacturingoffers one
of themost powerful, comprehensive
lines of telehandlers available. Xtreme
Manufacturinghas adiverse rangeof
telehandlerswith2,675kg to a30,000kg
weight-capacitymachines andbuilds its
extremeefficiency and extremequality in
Xtreme Telehandler makes its Australian debut
TheXtremeManufacturing range
includes 16models covering: Compact
Booms; High Pivot Roller Booms; High
Capacity Roller Booms; UltraHighCapacity
Roller Booms; andXtremeCapacity Roller
Boom. A selectionof the16unitswill
become available in stages via the Snorkel
distributionnetwork starting in the second
half of 2014. Contact: 02 9609 8500or visit:
Established in 1994by Rod Leech,
Skyreach is celebrating its 20 year
anniversary in 2014.
Rod Leech commenced Skyreachwith
nothingmore thanamobilephone,
pager, abunchof business cards and a
dream. Today, theorganisation is ranked
as the50thbiggest access hire equipment
company in theworld. Theannual listing
of theworldmarket is undertakenby the
UKbasedpublisher, Access International.
As aprivately owned family business,
Skyreachboasts branches along the east
coast of Australiawitha concentration in
“Whenwe started Skyreachwewere
focusedon thebusiness of theday and
never gave any thought as tomilestones
Skyreach celebrates 20 years of achievement
such as a 20 year anniversary,”Rod Leech,
ManagingDirector of Skyreach said.
“Our strength and the key toour
enduring success canbeput down toour
ability tomeetmarket demands quickly
anddecisively. Ifwehavea request for
equipmentwhich is already committed, or
not inour expansive Skyreach range, then
we can respondquickly.We can acquire
equipment and ship it out viaour own
trucking fleet. It doesn’t get any faster.”
The sameprincipals apply toestablished
andnewbranches. Skyreachhas branches
in all the key east coastmarkets, with
satellitebranches also inplaceat strategic
locations to support emergingmining
operations. Contact: 07 5431 4000or
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