Skyjackhas released twooptions in
secondary guarding (additional protective
measures taken following a job-specific
riskassessment, to reduce thepotential
for sustained inadvertent operation in the
event of collisionwith an external object)
by simultaneously introducing the SG-M
and SG-E secondary guardingmechanisms.
The SG-M is aprotective steel structure
above andover theoperatorwhile the
SG-E emits anaudio-visual alarmwhen the
yellowbar is depressed. If thebar remains
depressed the alarmwill continue to
activate and theenginewill stop, halting
all functions until reset.
This allows the equipment user to select,
following a job specific risk assessment,
themost appropriate solution for any
particular need.
Skyjack said industry groups had
suggested thepossibility of certain
circumstances, conditions andoperations
thatmight result in inadvertent contact
withobstructions anda consequent
unintendedoperationof the controls. A
formof ‘secondary guarding’ is, therefore,
now specifiedby some equipment users.
“Weunderstand there is no ‘one size
fits all’ solutionwhen it comes to such
precautions,”DavidHall, Skyjackproduct
manager Europe said.
“Our telescopic and articulatingbooms
aredesignedwitha rangeof safety
features, in accordancewith regulatory
requirements. However, we recognise this
newmeasure, althoughnotmandatory,
has a role toplay. TheUKgovernment’s
Healthand Safety Executive (HSE) has
welcomed secondary guardingbut has also
notednoone system is appropriate for all
job functions.Weagree, andby offering
Two secondary guarding systems
a choiceof options it broadens theappeal
of secondary guarding to awider range
of customers, whomay consider it a
worthwhile investment.”
The Skyjack SG-M system features a low
weight protective steel structuredesigned
to reduce thepossibility of theoperator
beingheld against the controls in the
event of unintended contactwith an
The Skyjack SG-E system features a
sensor bar that, whenpushed, instantly
stops all functions and initiates an audible
sirenandhigh intensity flashingbeacon.
If thebar is releasedwithinone second,
the sirenandbeaconwill cease, and the
selected functionwill return. If pressure
is applied formore thanone second,
the sirenandbeaconwill continue to
activateand the enginewill stop, halting
all functions until reset. Theapplicable
emergency controls can still beoperated to
bring theplatformdown toground safely.
If the system is accidentally activatedby
theoperator, it canbe easily reset using
the illuminatedbuttonon the control box.
Both the SG-Eand SG-M canbe fitted
onnew Skyjackbooms or retrofitted to
modelsmanufactured in 2006 andafter.
They canbe factory fittedor alternatively
supplied as a kit. Once fitted, neither
system impairs operator visibility,mobility
on theplatformor access to thework area.
Both requireminimummaintenance.
Skyjackworks closelywith customers
whendevelopingnewproducts and
systems. Its SG-Mand SG-E systems have
beendrivenbymarket demand and the
companyworkedparticularly closely
withoneof theUK’s largest equipment
providers (and amajor Skyjack customer)
Select Plant Hire.
To create twoproductswhichmeet all
the customer demands, itwas important
tohave feedback from amajor user, Select
Plant Hire, a companywith almost 30
years of experience supplying construction
equipment. By having Select as apartner,
Skyjackgained extensive insight into
market needs andalsoa ready-madearena
inwhich todo extensive field testing. This
ensured the customer remained the focal
point throughout the testingprocess.
Geniehas launched a rangeof on-line
programs todeliver customer support.
GenieOn-Line Technical Training is a
first inAustralia and agreat option for
customers operating in remoteanddistant
locations. Insteadof travelling toattend a
formal Genie serviceprogram inoneof the
capital cities, GenieOn-Line trainingallows
customers to complete a series of training
modules at their placeofwork.
RegMoss, GenieNational Service
Manager said: “Once registered,
technicians are able to complete
introductoryGenie trainingonelectrics,
hydraulics andmachine inspection via the
Flexible online support programs
on-line LearningManagement System
(LMS) beforeattending face-to-face
ThenewOn-Line Technical Training
programs fromGenieutilise a combination
of video, animation andnarration to
createan interactive learningenvironment.
Launched in January 2014, the response to
the courses has been exceptional, both in
AustraliaandAsianmarkets, too.
Additional courseswill beprogressively
rolledout; the expectation therewill be
20 trainingmodules on linebymid-2014.
TheGenie Parts Portal, another online
support package, was released toGenie
customers in late-2012. The Parts Portal is
anonline systemwhich allows customers
toaccess andorder Genieparts ona24/7
basis. Customers can log in to access data,
viewparts lists, pricing, availability, in
short everything availableby speaking toa
Genieparts interpreter. The real benefit is
customers cangoparts shoppingat a time
that best suits their schedule, day or night,
weekday orweekend.
For greater parts support, customers can
call Genieon the toll freeparts hotline and
speak to aGenie Parts Interpreter.
Formore contact: 1800 788 633or visit:
The steel mountingof Skyjack’s SG-Mprotects the
operator frombeingpinned against the controls
with a solid frame around andover the operator