Hire and Rental News - May 2014 - page 40

Skyjackhas releasedanew app tohelp
users find the ideal aerial workplatform
for various situations or applications.
Designed towork easily for novices and
experts, theuser-friendly app includes all
Skyjack’s products, including verticalmast
lifts, DCelectric scissors, rough terrain
scissors, articulatingbooms, telescopic
booms and telehanders. Inaddition to
helpingusers choose the right equipment
basedon theproject’s details and the
user’s experience, the app also allows
users to review important characteristics,
key specifications, standard features and
extendedoptions. Users can also link to
additional resources, suchas technical
manuals andproduct support information.
The apphas an ‘Email Product Information’
function thatmakes it easy to share
Skyjackmachine informationwith the click
of abutton.
The apphas threebasic sections that
cover the rangeof applications possible
with Skyjackproducts:
Product Selector: Designed for users
whohaveworking knowledgeof Skyjack’s
product line. This sectiongives access to
Skyjack debuts new app
Brisbanebased access equipment hire
company, Skyreach, has developed a
compact attachment thatwill allowdrilling
operations tobe conducted from thework
platformof a Skyreachboom lift.
This is apurpose engineered attachment
whichhas been thoroughly developed and
is nowoperatingonwork sites.
In thepast, Skyreach experienced
problemswith their equipmentwhen
used for drilling. Side loads and excessive
weight on theplatformwas damaging the
“Wedecided to find a solution for
drillers operating at height,”MitchEly
of Skyreach said. “The solutionwas to
engineer apurposebuilt platformwith
drill carrierwhich couldbeattached toour
Skyreach86’ boom lift. Insteadof drillers
having to abseil down a rock face todrill
into rock, our systemdelivers a safer and
moreproductive alternative.
“The system incorporates abox truss
frame towhich thedrill and linear
bearings attach. This pivots throughan
arc of zero to 45degrees toallow the
drillers tooperate through a rangeof
motionmost suited to thework site, and
specifically, rock faces.
“A completely newplatformwas
Drilling attachment fits Skyreach boom
constructed to remain
with the standard
weight and sizeof the
boom lift,”Mitch said.
“Themajor challenge
in thedesign centred
on theway inwhich
the side loadings of the
impact drill couldbe
“The solutionwas to
havea series of bearings
fitted to the 25mm
fittedwith custommade
springs. In thisway, the
energy generatedby
theair driven impact
drill is not transferred to
theplatform and in turn theboom.
“In trials, andnowproduction, the
feedbackhas beennothing short of 100%
positive. Productivity is the key. On the
firstwork site, 20holeswerebeingdrilled
per day in the first day of operation.
Theexpectation iswith experience and
training, work ratewill be liftedby 50%.
“The entire system is very light, as
weight is our nemesis,”Mitch said.
“By usingaluminium, and reducing the
full product information
when thedropdown
menu is activated.
Spec Table: Created
for userswhohave
specifications for a
project, this section
provides anoverview
of all Skyjackproducts
categorisedby different
parameters such
gradeability, platform
dimensions and
maximum capacity.
ProductWizard: Intended for users
new to Skyjackmachines, this section
makes renting a lift simpleand easy
for individualswho know thebasic
requirements of their project. Users answer
a simple series of questions and the
answers lead to the identificationof the
appropriateproduct and thena link to full
product information.
The coreof the app contains detailed
information about product specifications
suchas platformdimensions, controls and
components. Ahigh resolution image
with interactive ‘hotspots’means theuser
gets a featureby featurebreakdownof
themachine and its benefits. Standard
features, options, specifications, dimension
drawings and rangediagrams complete
the comprehensive explanation for each
Optimised for iPad andAndroidportable
devices, the app is available through
Apple’s App Store andGooglePlay…
search for Skyjackor enterwww.skyjack.
sizeof theplatform, weareoperating
within thedesign limitations of the
Skyreachboom lift, even after allowing for
amaximum loadof 800Newtons.
“We are very pleasedwith the
performanceof thenew Skyreach system
andwe arenow looking to apply this
technology to anevenhigher 135’
Skyreachboom lift.”
Formore contact: 07 5431 4000or visit:
Skyjack has released a new app to help users find aerial work platforms
The Skyreach attachmentwill allowdrillingoperations from a boom lift
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