Hire and Rental News - May 2014 - page 38

This year Victorianbasedaccess hire
business,Manlift Hire celebrates 30 years
of operation in theaccess hire industry.
On the25thof January 1984Manlift
Hire commencedbusiness operating as a
partnershipbetweenKenMatthews and
Peter Armstrong.
Thehire fleet at the time consistedof
twoborrowed 60 foot booms, one scissor
lift and a trailermounted cherry picker, as
well as the ability touse theCrownHire
scissor lift fleet.
“In thosedaysweoperatedat the
LoyYang Power Station aswell as in the
Melbourne area,” JeffMatthews, sonof
Manlift founder, Ken said.
“When the Portland Smelter site
opened,Manliftmoved the two
borrowedbooms and threenewly
purchasedManlift booms to the site.
Businesswas briskwithup to 15booms
being re-hired in fromNSW. After
the smelterwas built,Manlift Hire
Celebrating 30 years of business
concentratedon theMelbourne areabeing
involved inmost of the large shopping
centres such as Chadstone, Southland,
Northland, Eastland, Highpoint, Fountain
“Peter Armstrong retired in 2000. Jeff
Matthews startedwith the company in
2001, then TonyMatthews in 2003and
KateMatthews in2004. Add to that Nicole
in theoffice andDarren andBill in the
workshop. Thesedayswe runa fleet of
nearly 150pieces of equipment.
“As a family businesswe takepride in
offering superior service toour customers.”
TheManlift Hire range includes both
electric anddiesel powered scissor lifts,
diesel telescopic boom lifts, electric and
diesel articulatedboom lifts andpersonal
lifts.Manlift Hireoffers on site evaluations
at no cost to ascertain and recommend the
equipment best suited to the task. Should
amachineoperator be required this service
is alsooffered at a cost.
HaulotteGrouphas launched
its Entrapment Prevention System,
ACTIV’ShieldBar. The systemwas launched
in response todemands from the
industry in theUK toprotect operators
from entrapment and crushing risk, and
reaffirms Haulotte’s commitment to safe
workingat height.
Haulotte’s system alerts theoperator
topotential entrapment situations and
is unique in that it features a SafetyGap
which canprotect theoperator from full
entrapment andpotentially allow them
toget out of danger. Following thealert
only reverse/loweringmovements are
permitted, allowing thepossibly panicked
operator toget out of troublewithout
Manlift Hirehas a comprehensive range
of access equipment. “Ifwedon’t have it
inour fleet, beassuredManliftwill find
the right equipment for your joband save
you the time,” Jeff said.
“Not surewhatmachine youneed?
Noproblem,Manlift offers free site
inspectionsmaking sure youareprovided
with the right equipment to suit your job.
Having the right equipment first upwill
save you time andmoney.”
Ken, Jeff and TonyMatthews are
accredited trainerswith theEWPAand are
all able to issue theEWPA yellow card.
YellowCard training is carriedout
every Tuesday, Thursday and sometimes
Saturday, starting at 8am at the company
premises inDandenong South. Onsite
training canalsobearranged. For boom
lifts over 11m, aWP classwork cover
licence can alsobe arranged.
Formore contact: 1300MANLIFTor visit:
Haulotte Activ’shield Bar
making the situation
worse. And, after being
triggered, the system
is easy to reset and
reactivate from the
there is nomachine
downtime.The system
has beendesigned to
preserve themachine’s
working envelope,
maintaineasy access to
controls, whichmeans
no change inworking
practice. The system
canalsobe retro-fitted.
Contact: 1300 207683.
equipment todo the job safely, quicklyand cost effectively?
equipment to conduct regularmaintenance?
equipment for a long termproject?
equipment for yournext tender?
ACCESS solutions throughout the
Northern Territory and beyond
since 2006. We have over 120
pieces of ACCESS equipment
available tomeet all of your ACCESS
requirements. Have confidence in
the fact that our ACCESSequipment
is servicedbyour own local teamof
dedicated and fully qualified EWP
Mechanics to ensure the safety of
your team and the reliability of the
ACCESSequipment youhire.
We look forward togettingyour team
Higher, Safer, Sooner.
1300 867363
Haulotte’s Entrapment Prevention System system alerts the operator to
potential entrapment situations
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