52 | HIRE
| MAY 2014
Briggs & Stratton’s new rangeof
generators, ProMax generators, are
designedwithpower andperformance
and feature aBriggs & StrattonVanguard
engine from 6.5hp to 16.0hpgross.
“Most importantly they havebeen
designed tomeet and exceed the
Australian Standard,”Grant Buck, Briggs &
Stratton’s Victorian SalesManager said.
The Standard (AS2790-1989 electricity
generating sets transportable [up to
25kw]) calls for aminimumof IP23, but the
ProMax range is rated at IP66.
“Thismeanswe can safely sell them in
any stateof Australia,”Grant said. “And
weexpect the IP66 ratedoutlets/single
circuit breaker, combinedwith theoptional
RCD (residual current device) singlepoint
liftinghook, tobeapopular feature.”
All ProMaxmodels feature:
New range of generatorswithmore grunt
• Heavy duty roll-frame
• Automatic voltage regulator and circuit
breaker tohelpmaintain safe and steady
• Lowoil shutdown systemtoprotect the
• Durable steel fuel tankwith fuel gauge
• OverheadValve (OHV) engineproviding
greater fuel efficiency, quieter running
and longer engine life
• Lownoise levels – thegenerators are
fittedwith an extra-largeQuiet Genset
System (QGS)muffler to reducenoise
levels - an importantOH&S consideration
• Three year commercial warranty.
Grant saidwhendetermining thepower
required from agenerator: initially consult
theowner’smanual or theequipment data
plate todetermine thepower required to
operate it. To calculate thewatts needed
from your generator youmustworkout
the startingwatts for all the equipment
youmaywant to run simultaneously. If
thepower required for your equipment
is indicated in amps,multiply by the volts
(240v) togive you thewatts. For eg: 5
amps x 240= 1200watts.
Hitachi ConstructionMachinery
(Australia) (HCA) has extended its
compaction equipment linewith the
introductionof theHitachi reversible
vibratory plates, strengtheningHitachi’s
offering in the light equipmentmarket.
Theproduct linenow comprises
three reversible vibratory platemodels
(ZV250PR-G/ZV250PR-D/ZV350PR-De) and
three vibratory plates (ZV40PF/ZV60PF/
ZV80P). Anadditional rammer has also
joined the linewith three rammermodels
nowavailable (ZV55R /ZV65R/ZV75R).
TheHitachi ZV-PR series reversible
vibratory plates featurea compact
Reversible vibratory plates join compaction equipment
singlepiece cast engine framedelivers
ahigh level of durability supportedby a
strengthenedbaseplate. This offers easy
cleaningby shakingoff heaped soil and
sand through compaction vibration.
From reinforced vibration-resistant
designs, convenient operationandeasy
maneuverability through to compact
yet powerful performance, Hitachi
compaction equipment is engineered to
deliver powerful compaction forcewhile
limiting vibrations, reducingoperator
hand fatigue for greater productivity
through longer operatinghours. Contact:
02 9780 6906or:
body for excellentworkability and
maneuverability on theworksite. A robust
Hitachi reversible vibratory plates
Hinohas drawnon its hybriddrivetrain
automotivepartsmanufacturer Denso
Corporation to create aworld-first in truck
refrigeration technology.
ThenewHino/Denso systemuses energy
generatedby thehybrid system, both
whiledrivingandbraking, tooperate
the refrigerator’s compressor. Compared
with conventional truck refrigeration
systemswhich require an auxiliary engine
or power from themain engine to run
the compressor, theHino/Denso system
provides improved fuel economy,more
consistent refrigerationperformance and
quieter running.
The lackof anauxiliary enginedelivers a
World-first refrigeration technology
weight reductionof approximately 150kgs,
and simplifies truck refrigeration set-up
andmaintenance through fewer parts.
The system contains a stand-by unit that
canbe connected toanexternal power
source tomaintain refrigerationwhen the
truck engine is switchedoff for extended
periods. The stand-by unit alsohas a timer
functionwhich can automatically pre-
freeze the refrigerated room.
Product Strategy,Marketing andCustomer
Care, Alex Stewart, said: “The fuel savings
fromthis innovationmeans thenewHino
Profia’s (700 Series) fuel efficiency beats
Japan’s 2015 standards by 5%.
“And the reducedongoing running
costs from simplifying the refrigeration
systemwillmake for anevenbetter cost-
performance for owners andoperators.”
Formore contact: 02 9914 6616or visit:
Aworld-first in truck refrigeration technology