EWPAmember, Jamie Fitzpatrickof EWP
Onsite Service, inBendigoVictoria, has
become the first recipient of theAUR31912
Automotive Specialist EWP Technician
TheAutomotiveCentreof Excellence
(ACE) Kangan Institute inMelbourne
issued the first EWP TechnicianCertificate,
inOctober 2013.
EWPAmember Jamiedelivers a specialist
inspection service throughout Australia,
for plant including EWPs.
SincequalifyingwithCaterpillar in 1989,
Jamie expandedhis heavy fleet experience
workingwithin a variety of industries
including agriculture, civil construction,
In2008 JamieestablishedEWPOnsite
Service,meeting theneeds of regional
fleet operators. Currently inspection
services Jamieoffers include; Plant Risk
Assessments, Pre-PurchaceReports,
ConditionReports, Quarterly Inspections,
Annuals andWeight Tests.
With the recently established
qualification, Jamie cannowgive
customers added security by providing a
fully certifiedunderpinning ‘competant
person’, whenEWPOnsite Service is
engaged for inspections.
Thequalificationwas issued following
anRPL (Recognitionof Prior Learning)
process recognisingexistingevidenceof
qualifications and industry experience.
Following initial contactwithGarry
Edwards at TheKangan Institute, Emidio
Smarrelli handled theRPL process, from
application to completion to see the
competency certification awarded to Jamie
inOctober 2013.
Now thenationally establishedEWP
apprenticeshipprogram is inplace, the
EWPA is looking tomembers for their
support if they are involved in employing
apprentices. Currently theAutomotive
Centreof Excellence (ACE) TheKangan
Institute inMelbourneandQueensland’s
Skills Tech at AcaciaRidge are
supporting the scheme and there areTAFEs
inother states considering taking it on.
First EWP SpecificMechanic
The first apprenticeship course inEWPs
was originallymadepossible through
thehardworkof EWPAmember John
Glover and the associationdevelopinga
relationshipwith the thennewly formed
Auto Skills Australia (ASA).
Auto Skills Australia is thebody
responsible for thedevelopment and
maintenanceof nationally accredited
First EWP Technician Certificate issued
automotive trainingqualifications in
Australia. TheEWPA spent 18months
(from2012) developing content for the
first apprenticeshipdesigned specifically
for EWPmechanics.
Theaccess industry driven training
programarose from industry demand for
trained and competent persons responsible
for EWPmaintenance.
“Before the launchof the first EWP
Technician course, therewere threeor
four relevantmechanical qualifications,
but none specific to EWPs,” EWPANSW
President, JohnGlover said.
Johnwho is also theNational Service
Manager for ForceAccessworkedon the
draft apprenticeshipprogramwithEWPA
TrainingDirector, PhilMiddleton and
EWPA ExecutiveDirector, Phil Newby.
“Mechanics training to service EWPs
couldpreviously undertake training as a
PlantMechanic; aMechanical Fitter; Heavy
Off HighwayVehiclesmechanic; or Light
“Elevatingworkplatforms arehighly
specialisedpieces of equipment andbeing
classified as high risk equipment, include
many safety featureswhich requireexpert
maintenance knowledge,” John said.
“Itwas very clear our industry neededa
more focusedapprenticeship relevant and
specific to EWPs.”
The apprenticeshipprogram, Certificate
III Automotive Technology - Elevating
Work Platforms, draws on trainingor
learningmodules relevant to EWPs from
existingmechanical qualifications.
“By creatinganapprenticeship specific
toour industry, we attractmuchwelcomed
government funding,making it somuch
more affordable for our industry to
train andemploy fully qualifiedEWP
mechanics,” JohnGlover said.
“Being able tooffer anapprenticeship
to school leavers or adult learners, helps to
makeour industrymore attractiveand is a
huge step forward for our careers inhire
program,” John said.
Contact EWPA TrainingDirector, Phil
There are anumber of differentways
of employing an apprentice.
School BasedApprentice
a) 1day at yourworkplace
b) 1day at TrainingCentre
c) 3days at school
d) Currently completing years 10/11/12
To employ a school based apprentice
: Rhonda Stone
02 9208 7629.
Full TimeApprentice
a) Advertiseand find your own
b) Contact aprovider such asMEGT –
c) Contact a labour hire company
that specialises inapprentices –www. /
Once youhave employed an apprentice
contact an apprentice centre for signup.
Find anAustralianApprenticeshipCentre
in your location:
The EWPAwould recommendMEGT
Signupmeetingwith your selected
a) Employer representative
b) Apprentice
c) Apprentices guardian if under 18yrs
of age
d) Trainingplanof selected course.
Once the apprentice receives their
training contract identificationnumber,
proceed to your trainingprovider to
organise enrolment. Listedbeloware
capitol city trainingproviders
a) Sydney -
b) Brisbane -
c)Melbourne -
d)Melbourne -
e) Adelaide -
f) Perth -
The employer pays:
a) Pays apprenticewageswhile atwork
and at the training centre (except school
based apprenticeswhere youpay for
workdays only)
b) Pay apprentice TrainingCentre
enrolment fee
c) Pay TrainingCentre tuition fees
(normally $2per traininghour)
d) Pay for books and resources required
by TrainingCentre
There areno specific licences that relate
to this qualification. However, someunits
in this qualificationmayhave licensing
or regulatory requirements, depending
on thework context. Local regulations
shouldbe checked for details.
How to employ an apprentice guideline