20 | HIRE
| MAY 2014
TarongaZoo, with thehelpof Kennards
Hire, has launched itsWild! Rhinos project
tohelp raise awareness and funds for the
programand conservationprojects.
From February throughApril, Sydney
residents probably noticeda rangeof
colourfully painted rhinos around town as
part of themass public art exhibition. The
herdof 125 colourful rhinoswerehoused
anddistributedby the local Kennards
Hire teamandwill form a sculpture trail
through the streets, parks andpublic
spaces of Sydney, Dubbo and surrounds for
thepublic to enjoy.
Local artists pitched their creative ideas
for the rhinos and thebest designswere
sponsoredby a combinationof local
businesses, schools and community groups.
Kennards HireHeadofMarketing,Matt
Hankin, said the rhinos represent aunique
way to raiseawareness for theproject.
“Threeout of theworld’s five rhino
species are in critical danger soprograms
like these are essential to raise awareness
andmuchneeded funds to keep the rhino
species from extinction,”he said.
At the endof the exhibition the rhinos
will beauctionedoff, withall proceeds
going to support Taronga’s BlackRhino
breedingproject. TarongaWestern Plains
Zooareplayinga leading role in theglobal
conservation effort, nurturingoneof the
most significant groups of rhinoswith15
in total includingBlack, GreaterOne-
Horned andWhiteRhinos. Themajority
of the sculpture rhinos are located in the
Sydney CBDbut they can alsobe spotted
Kennards Hire distributes rhino herd inNSW
around the statewith someplaced in
Dubbo, theBlueMountains, Orange,
Cowra, Parkes andBathurst.
National TankHire tradingas Petro
Hirehas beenoperating for two years
now as adedicated self bunded tankhire
Tony Crane, theGeneralManager
reports the asset numbers continue to
grow asmoreenquiries are received
from rental companies looking for diesel
storage and supply solutions; in the
majority of cases theneed is urgent.
PetroHire tanks canbe foundacross
the countrywith theCubes beingmainly
used as term supply and coupleddirect
togenerators or compressors, the fuel
trailers used for remote civil construction
and the larger Liquitainer sizes beingused
by fuel companies and energy providers
as short term solutions for storage and
customer supply. Contact: 13004TANK
HIREor visit:www.petrohire.com.au
PetroHire turns two