MAY 2014 | HIRE
| 13
As daylight saving in the southern states
draws toa close, inevitably the events
sector starts to slow.
Our operational crewsmight
momentarily breathe a collective sighof
relief, but for thebusiness owners and
managers it’s no time for rejoicing.
In the events industry, we all face the
same challengeof a smaller pool of
availablework and the same costs in fixed
I thinkwemight all agree it’s fair to
say 2012was not agreat year but the
2012/2013 seasonwas fairly strongwith
many reportinggreat turnover.
I think it is no surprise toanyone reading
thismagazine thatwe always have to take
the long term view.Well runbusinesses
will thrive and therewill always be
opportunities for thehardworkers.
In the long term it looks fairly positive
governmentwill continue to support
major events such as theGrandPrix in
TheCommonwealthGames on theGold
Coast shouldbe seenas abright spot on
thehorizon. (FYI - From 4 to15April 2018,
Queensland’s GoldCoastwill host the
21st CommonwealthGames.
Itwill be the fifth timeAustraliahas
staged theGames, and the very first time it
will beheld in a regional Australian city.
The countdown to theopeningnight
of theGames is already in effect on the
official website:
However, for the immediate futurewe
all know there aremany challenges to
keeping abusiness sustainableduring the
Planning for the slow times shouldbe
Facing down challenges and seeing opportunities
anannual part of thebusiness cycle and
shouldnot be left to the lastminute.
Hopefullywe canget together at the
convention and share a few ideas and
celebrate some successes. If youhaven’t
booked yet for the events night on
Thursday, 1May, don’t delay.
We are limited inpossiblenumbers and
this eventwill fill up fast. Thenew lookof
this year’s convention is sure toplease. I
look forward to seeing you there.
National President
Total Sanitation Solutions’
‘Elite LiquidWaste’ division
has set upoperations
servicing the Surat Basingas
andoil exploration fields,
based inRoma.
Elite LiquidWaste’s
Anthony Smith (alias
AJ) said: “Wehavehad
anumber of our trucks
operating in the areaoff
andon for quite some time,
and the volumeofwork is
suchwe really need tohave
apermanent base in the region.
“Initially, wewill basea 7000 litre
vacuumpumping truck inRoma along
withabulkwater delivery vehicle. These
twopermanently located vehicleswill
be able tobetter respond tourgent
jobs requiredby our customers and
complement the larger vehicles inour
fleet that travel throughout south
Queensland,”AJ said.
Total Sanitation Solutions/Elite Liquid
Wastehas employedAnthonyUpton to
spearhead its expansionof services and
Total San expands into the Surat Basin
products to this very buoyant areaof
Aswell as promoting the services of
the Elite LiquidWastedivision trucks,
Anthonywill alsobeproviding the in
demand requirements of portableand
temporary toilet and sanitationproducts
requiredby the test drillingoperations
and semi-permanent accommodation
Contact: 07 3277 5727or visitwebsites:
EliteWaste at:
Total Sanitation Solutions’ ‘Elite LiquidWaste’ division services the
Surat Basingas andoil exploration fields