Hire and Rental News - May 2014 - page 19

MAY 2014 | HIRE
| 19
Workcover NSWhas remindedbusinesses
andworkers to keep safety topofmind,
after research showed almost four
dozenpeoplehad received crush injuries
recentlywhileworkingwithmoving large
machinery or heavy vehicles.
WorkCover analysis shows fromAugust
2012 toAugust 2013, therehadbeen46
incidentswherepeoplehad received crush
injurieswhileworkingnear or in large
machinery or heavy vehicles.
WorkCover NSWGeneralManager of
WorkHealth and SafetyDivision John
Watson said these figures showmoving
heavymachinery or heavy vehicles canbe
dangerous and can result in serious injury
MrWatson saidWorkCover staff can
assist businesses topreventworkers from
being injuredwhileusingplant and
“Almost everyworkplacehas some
formof plant or equipment and there
aremany associatedhazards, including
entanglement or crushing, cuts or
punctures, being struckbymovingobjects,
electrical or explosivehazards, slips, trips
Dozens of crush injuries prompt call for safety
and falls, andmanual handling,”Mr
Watson said.
“NSWbusinessesmust provide
information, training and supervision to
workers and ensureplant and equipment
iswithout risk to thehealth and safety of
workers by ensuring it is installed correctly,
operatedby a competent person, not
interferedwith and controlmeasures are
“Webelieve crush injuries and fatalities
involvingmoving largemachinery and
heavy vehicles canbe reduced if attention
is paid to the control of the risks associated
withworkingwith andon such equipment.
“AtWorkCoverwe recommend
businesses follow three simple steps to
ensure the safety ofworkers. These are:
look for the things in yourworkplace that
can causeharm; decidehow serious the
risks are; and eliminateor control those
risks bymaking changes that protect your
“While court action is generally only
used in themost significant safety
breaches,MrWatson saidWorkCover can
anddoes prosecutebusinesses that fail to
adequately protect theirworkers.
“For example, earlier this year two
companieswere fineda total of $480,000
after two incidents fourmonths apart
left onemandead andanother seriously
“Inoneof the incidents a labourerwas
being transported fromonepart of the
largebusiness toanother via a tipper truck
howeverwhenhegot out of theheavy
vehicle, hewas runover as it droveaway.
Themandied from serious crush injuries at
the scene.
“Every fatality has an immeasurable
effect on families, friends and communities
and this incident highlights theneed for
businesses tohave safework systems in
place toprevent death and injury,”Mr
Watson said.
“Therewas a clear risk tohealth and
safety, and in the absenceof appropriate
procedures, the riskwas reasonably
Formore informationon safety,
including the freepublications visit
or call 1310 50
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