MAY 2014 | HIRE
| 17
AWellington, NZ-based tech
company, Abletech, is transforminghow
organisations trackphysical assets through
anew app calledWatchMyGear.
WatchMyGear allows businesseswith
mobileequipment toditch their paper-
basedor spreadsheet-basedasset tracking
systems. Using anAndroidmobile app
alongsideaweb app,WatchMyGear allows
a company to trackwhere their assets are,
where they’vebeen, andhow long they’ve
been there, Abletechmanagingdirector
Carl Penwarden said.
“WatchMyGear usesQRCode stickers
touniquely identify eachasset.Whenan
asset ismoved to anew location theQR
Code is scannedusing theWatchMyGear
mobileapp,”Carl said.
“WatchMyGear sends the asset’s GPS
location in real time to the customer’s
web-baseddashboard, immediately
updating theWatchMyGearMasterMap
andproviding real-time analytics and
reporting. As a solution,WatchMyGear can
provide instant, accurate informationon
where equipmentwas last scanned,”Carl
The idea forWatchMyGear aroseafter
The challengingoperating environment
facing theWesternAustralian resources
and construction industries over thepast
year prompted vehiclehire specialist Raw
Hire to look atwhat it coulddo tomake
vehiclehire easier andbetter value.
RawHireCEOByron Smith said: “It’s
about continuing to strive for excellence,
and thatmeans providing innovative fleet
solutions andmine spec vehicles thatwork
for both sides of a client’s business.
“When the company started asMcLaren
Hire in 1998, it had just one four-wheel
drive vehicle inKarratha.
“Backedby a strongbalance sheet and
an annual turnover ofmore than $50
million, weare continuing togrowour
business andbuildonour track recordof
deliveringquality services toour clients.
“InMarch, we launchedanew service
delivery system, FIT, with active listening
as a core componentwhich is providing
tailoring capabilities andprecise solutions
tomeet specific needs,”Byron said.
RawHire is also expandingand
upgrading its fleet, and continuingwith
its expansionplans. From that one four-
wheel drive inKarrathaRawHirehas
built a fleet ofmore than 1,200 vehicles
RawHire fleet FIT for the future
and this year is adding to itswell and
tray body utes capabilitywith the 5-star
ANCAP rated 2014Hilux.
After expanding further into the
northwest last year, the company now
has offices inKarratha, Port Hedland,
Newman, Onslow, andPerth.
Plans areunderway tobuildanew
branch inGapRidgeKarratha thatwill
see sales and service centres amalgamated
ontoone sitenear the airport. ThePerth
branchwill alsoundergo changes to
expandpresence in themetroarea.
Call 1800227 444or website:
RawHire ismaking vehicle hire easier
Misplaced assets a thingof the past
repeated client requests for customised,
industry-specific asset tracking tools to
replaceoutdatedpaper or spreadsheet-
based systems. Abletechdiscovered a few
existingoff-the-shelf tracking tools, but
thesewere expensive anddifficult touse.
Abletech’s newapp is oneof the finalists
in theBNZ StartupAlley competition at
Webstock 2014. Contact: +64 21668 009
or visit:
(03) 97939999
(02) 96713666
(07) 3200 6488
(09) 5258282
(03) 365 0279
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