Hire and Rental News - May 2014 - page 5

MAY 2014 | HIRE
| 5
Makinex has launchedoperations and sales inNorthAmerica in a
strategicmove towards growth in internationalmarkets.
Australianowned andoperatedwith its headoffice in Sydney,
Makinex has designed anddeveloped innovative construction
products to the localmarket since 2004.
The launchoccurredat theAmericanRental Association (ARA)
Rental Show inOrlando, Florida inearly February 2014where
Makinex, alongwith 875other exhibitors, showcased its range,
networkedand sourceddistributors.
“It is an exciting time to launch inNorthAmerica,”Director, Rory
Kennard said. “Revenuegrowth for the equipment rental industry
continues tobeon the rise andwewant tobeapart of that.”
Despite the shiftingeconomies inAmerican industries, the rental
market conditions arebuoyant. In fact, in 2014 the industry is
projected togrow8% to$41billion.
Makinex is also seekingnewopportunities in the flooringmarket,
with itsMixing Station and Jackhammer Trolley. Known tobenimble
andprogressive,Makinex has takenanoperator’s problem and
createdan improvedway todo the job. Other products in its line
include thePoweredHand Truck andDual PressureWasher.
Formore information call 02 9460 8071or visit thenewUSA
Makinex launches
range in USA
18thmost sustainable
company in theworld
For the seventh time, Atlas Copcowas recognisedas oneof the
world’smost sustainable companies by the annual Global 100 list,
presented annually at theWorld Economic Forum. The list is based
on selectionof 4,000developedand emergingmarket companies,
whicharemeasuredagainst key performance indicators such as
revenues in relation to consumptionof energy andwater.
Atlas Copco ranked 18th. Ronnie Leten, the company’s President
andCEO, said: “Being socially andenvironmentally responsible is not
only the right thing todo, but it is howwedevelopandgrowour
business inaprofitableway.”
Hepointed to thenew compressor factories in IndiaandChina as
examples; they arebuilt according to the Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design (LEED) standard.
(Pictured (L-R): Jim Spencer,NorthAmerican Sales; PaulWeaver, International
SalesManager; Rory Kennard, Director)
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