According to Meyer Diederick, QUU
Business Development Manager, ensuring
incidents and inquiries from customers
across the Brisbane and Ipswich regions,
as well as the regions of Lockyer Valley,
Scenic Rim and Somerset are responded
to in a timely fashion, with the necessary
personnel and equipment, is of critical
concern to Queensland Urban Utilities.
"Assisting in delivering effective and
efficient service the Q-Hub project
was developed to compile data from a
number of relevant sources. Q-Ops is
one of five focus areas Q-Hub is built to
address. This system is used to monitor
and manage Queensland Urban Utilities’
assets," Meyer said.
"The Q-Hub application gives
Queensland Urban Utilities an holistic
view of assets, jobs and vehicle location
information," Meyer said.
Supporting water services operations with telematics
To assist Queensland Urban Utilities (QUU) keep track of their assets while delivering
drinking water, recycled water and sewerage services to 1.4 million customers,
Queensland Urban Utilities uses telematics provided by Pinpoint Communications.
Q-Hub shows the QUU assets on a map,
which is overlaid with work orders, as
well as vehicles and plant. It gives a
real-time view of assets, incidents are and
where crews are at the same time.
"All relevant data is presented on a single
screen, making it much simpler to assess
where the closest crew or equipment is.
In the management of essential utilities
such as water, the time saved under the
new system can make a huge difference.
"To keep track of all of its assets,
Queensland Urban Utilities uses
telematics. With GPS data feeding into
Q-Hub – not just from vehicles, but
from other plant and machinery such as
excavators, generators and compressors
– the team always knows precisely where
their assets are and are able to get the
closest suitable crew to the job quickly.
Selecting the right team to send to each
job, and what equipment they will need,
is all done through the efficient Q-Hub
system. Just one of several information
feeds that flows into Q-Hub, Pinpoint
Communications’ telematics solution is
part of the system that helps QUU serve
their community.
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To keep track of all of its assets, QUU uses