Day 1
Dominic Thurbon
Dominic Thurbon is co-founder and
Chief Creative Officer at ChangeLabs,
designing multi-award winning
behaviour change programs that
touch over 500,000 people each year.
Domonic directs over 50 full-time
researchers and facilitators across three countries. Through
partnerships with leading companies such as Apple and IBM,
ChangeLabs has created and executed some of the largest
change initiatives on earth with visionary brands that drive
better business results.
Seminar 1 - Day 1
Effective Safety Equipment Systems – by Caterpillar Safety
Systems. Creating a safer hire environment.
Seminar 2 - Day 1
Events Industry Update – by Tom O’Dowd – HRIA Events
President – Covering the latest issues and challenges in the
events industry.
Keynote Speaker
Day 2
Julian Burton
Julian Burton was named the South
Australian of the Year 2010 for his work
as the founder of the Julian Burton
Burns Trust. Julian established the
Trust following his long rehabilitation
having suffered life threatening third
degree burns to his body from the 2002
Bali Bombings terrorist attacks. Today, with Julian’s guidance,
passion and vision, the Julian Burton Burns Trust has become
Australia’s first national community organisation solely committed
to prevention, care and research associated with burn injury.
Seminar 1 - Day 2
HRIA Update – by Oliver Shtein of Bartier Perry; Mason Sier
Turnbull’s James Sanders and Brenton Allen; and Arthur J
Gallagher. Updates on PPSA, HRNet and Insurance
Seminar 2 - Day 2
EWPA & TSHA Updates – by James Oxenham, Operations
Director and Phil Middleton, Training Director. Updates on
Secondary Guarding, Inadvertent Movement and Training.
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