Bobcat operator killed
A man was killed in Melbourne’s south-
east in early June after getting out to free
his bogged bobcat – which then rolled on
top of him.
The man, in his 30s, was operating the
bobcat on a nature strip when his bobcat
became bogged and he exited the cab in
an attempt to free it. Police believe after he
did so the machine moved, causing critical
injuries to his head.
WorkSafe Victoria
Safety Soapbox
25 June, 2015
SA High Risk Work: convert
your licence
SafeWork SA is urging workers to convert
any Certificates of Competency or old
style tickets issued between January
2005 and September 2010 to the national
high risk work licence before the deadline
of 1 September 2015. This is the final
year of the five year transition period for
workers to convert their qualifications to
the Licence to Perform High Risk Work.
It is a legal requirement to hold a valid
licence if you operate a forklift, crane, hoist
or pressure equipment, or if you perform
scaffolding, rigging and dogging work.
Failure to convert to the national licence
means you are not able to legally operate
high risk plant. To convert your licence
call the High Risk Work Conversion Line
on 1300 975 909 and have your original
certificates, tickets or Notice of Satisfactory
Assessment on hand. For a single fee,
multiple high risk work qualifications
can be converted and listed on one
new licence. For more information, visit:
www.safework.sa.gov.au(Forms and Fees /
High Risk Work).
WorkSafe Victoria
Safety Soapbox
12 June, 2015
Red Imported Fire Ant
Restricted Area Update
The boundaries for the Red Imported Fire
Ant Restricted Area have been revised.
Changes are made to the Red Imported
Fire Ant Restricted Area to reflect changes
to the risk status of suburbs and localities
as new infestation is detected or areas are
cleared of infestation following completion
of all required treatment and surveillance
An updated Red Imported Fire Ant
Restricted Area map, a declaration notice
and details about the movement controls
within the high and low risk restricted
areas are available online at website:
www.daff.qld.gov.au/fireantsTrade Skills Assessment
and Gap Training QLD
Funding is now available for trade workers
to have their skills recognised – at no cost
to the employer – as part of the Trade Skills
Assessment and Gap Training program.
Benefits to employers include:
increased supervision ratio for meeting
apprenticeship requirements; and
increased worker knowledge, capability
and productivity. Worker benefits include:
no cost RPL; gap training options;
nationally recognised qualifications.
Contact TAFE Queensland SkillsTech by
phoning 1800 654 447.
The danger of carbon
In the list of Reported Incidents in Safety
Soapbox, one item involved a number of
workers overcome by carbon monoxide
when a petrol driven cutting saw was used
inside a room with little ventilation.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a poisonous gas
emitted during the use of petrol, gas and to
a lesser extent, diesel powered combustion
engines. Because CO is colourless,
tasteless and odourless, in poorly
ventilated workplaces it has the potential
to go undetected and therefore build up to
dangerous and even fatal levels.
CO if inhaled, interferes with the
movement and use of oxygen in
body tissues and can cause chemical
asphyxiation by displacing oxygen from
the bloodstream. Most people can tolerate
small amounts of CO without noticeable
ill effects but prolonged exposure causes
headache, drowsiness, irritability, reduced
judgement and motor skills, convulsions,
unconsciousness, coma and death.
When using combustion engine powered
equipment such as concrete cutters,
brick saws and generators, there is
always the potential for the equipment
to contaminate the atmosphere. CO from
equipment setup and operated outdoors
can accumulate inside structures through
open windows, doors or vents. A safe
work method statement (SWMS) needs
be prepared for the work and appropriate
controls identified to ensure CO does not
accumulate and put people at risk.
WorkSafe Victoria
Safety Soapbox
12 June, 2015
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