According to Arron Cooper, Product
Manager at JLG Industries, results of
recent surveys highlight what is important
to light tower owners: proven reliability,
prompt supply of parts and service -
especially into remote locations and
transportability over long distances.
“The JLG Metro LED will also help
users save on fuel. Extra low voltage,
high-output LED lights, in combination
with fuel-efficient engines and start/
stop controllers, greatly reduce fuel
consumption,”Arron said.
“Electricians are no longer needed for
‘Tag and Test’ because the towers have
a 48-volt DC extra low voltage system. A
quick-disconnect light head makes short
work or disassembly."
Operators will find it easier to comply
with noise regulations thanks to the new
exhaust system, sound proofing and
quieter running engines on the
JLG Metro LED.
Metro LED lighting tower suits Australian conditions
JLG’s new Metro LED Lighting Tower is purpose-built using ISO9001 standards in
Australia, with features designed to suit Australian conditions.
“JLG Metro LED Lighting Towers are
designed for side-by-side loading on
trucks, allowing seven units to be
transported on a standard semi-trailer
or 11 units at a time on a B-Double.
This will produce significant savings for
rental companies, contractors and their
customers,”Arron said.
“While the list of standard features on the
JLG Metro LED is impressive, they can also
be customised to almost any application
with a host of options and accessories,
many of which are available in kits.
“For customer convenience and peace of
mind, all JLG products are backed by JLG’s
industry-leading Ground Support network.
Factory-trained technicians are available
at JLG workshops across the country.
Or, they can reach most jobsites with an
extensive fleet of field service vehicles, all
equipped with IVT and spare parts.
www.jlg.com.auor call 131 554 or
New Zealand: +64 9276 1278.
The JLG Metro LED will also help users save on fuel