28 - 30 August • Hilton on the Park, Melbourne
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This is your opportunity for
face to face Q+A:
Businesses providing hire, rental and finance services for a variety
of assets, are some of the industry’s most impacted by the
implementation of new PPS reforms.
Make sure you have it right!
David Bergman
Registrar of Personal
Property Securities
Insolvency and Trustee
Service Australia (ITSA)
Bruce Whittaker
Del Cseti
National Training Manager
& Manager External Affairs
Australian Institute of Credit
Management (AICM)
Richard Calver
National Director Industrial
Relations and Legal Counsel
Master Builders Australia
Management (AICM)
Why you should attend:
• Understand how third parties are affected – hire companies,
sub-contractors, outsourcing
• Learn what new classes of asset could potentially be used as
security for funding
• Assess how the reforms affect supply contracts with a
retention of title clause
• Find out how to protect secure title with an equipment
lease involving plant or equipment
• Understand how the reforms will affect interests arising
under cross charges and some default clauses in joint
venture agreements
• Hear how title may be at risk in any inventory and
temporary works located on a principal’s land/property
• Learn what the impacts are on arrangements which involve
the commingling of product such as a stockpile
Supported by
Endorsed by
61 2 8908 8555
Organised by