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The report commissioned by the Business

Events Council of Australia (BECA) shows

in the last financial year, 37 million people

attended more than 412,000 business

events held across Australia, and provided

179,357 jobs.

The key figures show business events:

• contributed $28 billion in direct


• value added $20.3 billion

• critically supported Australia’s GDP with

a total economic contribution of $23.1

billion over one year

• provided major benefit to regional areas

with 178,000 regional events hosted.

The study titled, The Value of Business

Events to Australia was conducted by the

global research firm EY and co-funded

by the Australian Government, under

the T-QUAL Grants Program and the

Australian business events industry.

The study shows the number of people

participating in business events is highly

significant when compared to other major

public events. For example, 37 million

business event attendees equates to eight

times the attendance at Sydney 2000

Olympic Games, 25 Sydney VIVID festivals

and 530 Australian Open tournaments.

Matthew Hingerty, Chairman of BECA,

said the study provided compelling

evidence of the direct and indirect

impact on the Australian economy and

will demonstrate why governments and

industry should continue to invest in the


Business Events major driver of economic activity

The first report in a decade on the Australian business events sector confirms it is a

major driver of the Australian economy and has enormous potential for dramatic growth

in the post-mining boom.

“Business events are an economic

powerhouse – they foster trade, export,

investment, diplomacy, education and

knowledge transfer. They also generate

employment, tax revenue and stimulate

the visitor economy with their benefits

spreading across both city and regional


"This study demonstrates the enormous

reach of business events beyond their

tourism contributions and reveals how

business events support all industries

to deliver their goals; acting as levers

to do business, launch new ideas,

identify trends, spread news of research

breakthroughs and equipping people

to meet the challenges of change,” Mr

Hingerty said.

Minister for Trade and Investment, The

Hon Andrew Robb AO MP said:“The

high-yield economic benefits of hosting

business events are key contributors to the

government’s economic diplomacy agenda

and are highly effective vehicles for driving

industry growth, which is in keeping with

the government’s trade and investment

priority areas."

While the report reveals the strength of the

business events industry in Australia, on

an international level, Australia has slipped

in its rankings from 13th in 2012 to 16th in

2013, in the latest International Congress

and Convention Association (ICCA)

rankings. ICCA measures the frequency of

rotating association meetings taking place

in 90 countries around the world.

“The report gives strong evidence of the

power of our industry, however, on a world

stage, we are losing market share. We

believe the business events sector is the

‘sleeping giant’ of the Australian economy.

With an end to the mining boom and

the decline in manufacturing, the sector

has the ability to be a leading force for

Australia’s future prosperity.

“This study will enable the business events

sector to prove its dimension, influence

and potential and provide a compelling

picture of the power of business events.

“However, the business events industry

and governments must work together to

leverage this great opportunity before us,”

Mr Hingerty said.

The full report is available at website:

The Australian business events sector is a major driver of the Australian economy