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Tom O’Dowd from No Fuss Solutions

has been hard at work, attending state

meetings in NSW, SA and recently in QLD,

representing the entire Events Division of

the HRIA.

Representation at State level

The Events Division works in with the

state committees with Events committee

members representing the market on

some of the state committees. There is

certainly opportunity for greater Events

representation at State committee level.

Our current HRIA National President, Jeff

Bernard runs Cool Breeze Rentals which

is of course heavily involved in Events;

past state and current SA Presidents, like

Linda Cater Watts, Mark Burton and now

Saul Heffernan are all also focused on the

Events sector.

Changing the events industry image

In the past, the Events sector has had an

image problem; previously being seen as

‘small businesses’ which were generally

lumped into the small time, ‘party hire’


The reality for our members today is

completely different. In general a large

event company such as Harrys the Hirer or

Butlers would move as much equipment

around the country in any one year as the

army, if not more.

Events companies are continually working

to tight time lines organising logistics,

materials and labour, quietly achieving

remarkable results on a consistent basis.

The Events sector has a lot more going on

than just marquee or stage construction.

Large companies such as Coates Hire

have sponsored some of the largest events

in this country suppling items such as

generators, fencing, light towers, portable

buildings and more, all of which we

associate with construction. Because they

were not involved in marquee supply we

don’t tend to think of them as an events-

based company.

While it is entirely appropriate for the

Events division to have its own national

representation, and own voice to push

events related issues, I think we need to

be mindful we are all in the hire business.

I really believe we should recognise the

differences but celebrate the similarities.

Events Division – your Association at work

Tom O’Dowd – National President provides some detail and insight into what has been

happening behind the scenes at an Association level for the Events Division.

Events Division Training initiatives

– gaining National Accreditation

In the past the Events Division has

held a marquee erectors course, run

by Spencer Tankard in conjunction

with the HRIA. This course has been

widely acknowledged as a great

course. Unfortunately the course has

not enjoyed the popularity it should,

because opinion and feedback tells us

national accreditation is more favourably


With this in mind and following a

unanimous show of hands at the seminar

in Adelaide at Hire 15, I have begun

designing a course for temporary structure

erection and took the discussion to an

Association Board meeting.

For the course to be successful and gain

national accreditation the plan is to fall in

line with the Victorian Building Authority

(VBA) requirements for its Registered

Building Practitioner Certification. The

VBA has indicated it is willing to support

the initiative in full.

Association initiatives underway –

new Temporary Structures Standard

Together with the HRIA I have been

working to provide an Events industry

voice for the Australian Building Codes

Board (ABCB) during implementation of

the new Temporary Structures Standard.

The ABCB released the final draft for public

comment in early June. The HRIA made

a final submission, then argued strongly

on a few points we believed didn’t fit,

however were unable to secure any further


The Standard is now in the ‘final draft’

phase and has gone to the ABCB for

ratification. Although not alone in our

efforts, I believe we have been successful

in winding back a lot of the clauses

which would have had a huge impact on

our industry and operations; but many

challenges for our industry will still exist as

a result of this new Standard.

In practical terms the net result of the

new Standard is almost every temporary

structure will require some form of


This might take the form of additional

bracing or increased weights. The final

outcome will be dependent on the

individual structure, however, in most

cases, engineering input will be necessary.

Most states have indicated they will adopt

the Standard in its entirety; but NSW

remains undecided.

The HRIA and specifically our new CEO,

James Oxenham have put a lot of work

into this, managing to have the Portable

Toilet Code of Practice included as a

reference document within the new

Standard. To help the industry understand

the changes and the impact of the new

Standard, the HRIA and I have begun to

develop a guide to the new Standard.

Weighting Guide to be updated

The weighting guide that has served the

industry well for the past six years urgently

needs to be reviewed. Currently the HRIA

and I are focused on this task with three

engineering proposals underway.

I am also working towards getting all

manufacturers to provide simple, easy to

follow instructions and drawings for all

their structures, to create an assortment of

assembly check sheets so this information

could be easily provided on site at time of

marquee or structure erection.

I have also applied to become an HRIA

Events Division representative on the VBA

board to help the Events industry get its

voice heard at this important level.

Events opportunity – 2018

Commonwealth Games

I recently met with Mark Cutler, the Head

of Venue Development and Overlay for the

2018 Commonwealth Games Organising

Committee (GOLDOC), who provided

detail about the Games plans and current

status of the setup and planning.

The purpose of the meeting was twofold:

to make Mark aware HRIA members

are willing and capable of providing the

infrastructure required and that the HRIA

would offer assistance to this process.

The Association has pitched the same

message to the head of GOLDOC Overlay

and as of last October the head of

GOLDOC Procurement. Mark believes we

will see the first of the tender packages

start to come out in about a year.

All members interested in Commonwealth

Games tenders should register on the ICN

Gateway site: