The HRIA would like to inform members that Australian Standard AS1576.5, “Prefabricated Trestle & Trestle Ladder Scaffolds” has been published as a 2021 edition and is available for purchase online, either from Standards Australia, SAI Global or Techstreet – see weblinks below:
The new 2021 edition includes the following technical changes from the previous 1995 edition:
- Now solely an Australian Standard (AS 1576.5);
- Title changed to “Prefabricated Trestle & Trestle Ladder Scaffolds”
- The format and structure of the Standard has been revised;
- Splitheads have been removed.
- Design, operational and testing requirements for trestle ladder scaffolds have been included.
- Special duty rating and associated minimum width of working platform for trestle scaffolds has been deleted.
- Additional test procedures have been included in normative appendices.