Hire And Rental News

EWPA’s “Look Up and Live” safety video is available to view online

Last month, during October’s National Safe Work Month, the HRIA hosted a webinar to promote the national working at height near power-lines, safety initiative “Look Up and Live” presented by powerline safety expert Glen “Cookie” Cook.

In Australia there are approximately 10 accidental contacts with powerlines every day, and on average 7 electrocutions occur each year due to accidental powerline contacts. All these accidents are avoidable and mainly occur due to a lack of planning, lack and awareness of the powerline hazard and ‘inattentional blindness’. Inattentional blindness, results from a lack of attention or when an individual fails to perceive danger in plain sight, such as powerlines. Put simply we plan to work near the powerlines we cannot see, i.e. underground using dial before you dig, but for overhead powerlines we rely on workers to identify powerline hazards onsite. Cookie explains simple safety tips and talk about the award winning lookupandlive.com app.

To view the full video, click the button below.

Look Up And Live

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