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EWPA Registered Inspector program closes

Following the recent Board meeting in August, the TSHA and EWPA Board of Directors have taken steps to close the Registered Inspector program after ongoing review of the take-up and administration.

“Whilst we appreciate the benefit this program provided to a few member companies, unfortunately the program did not achieve a level of growth that was sustainable.” said James Oxenham, EWPA CEO.

The challenge when ‘accrediting’ someone is that Australian standards refer to a ‘competent person,’ which is a broad definition.

To recognise someone as ‘competent,’ members should consider qualifications, experience, skills, number and type of inspections carried out, knowledge of Australian Standards, OEM training, etc. that are all relevant to servicing MEWPs and telehandlers. 

The search function to find service providers for design, engineering, inspections, repairs, spare parts and mobile service, remains a useful service in the public area of the EWPA website and we would encourage members to list the services they provide here.  

The application form has been removed from the EWPA and TSHA websites and existing cards will not be renewed when they expire.

For further information about EWPA resources, please visit the website.



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