Hire And Rental News

Are you overpaying your Workcover Premiums?

WorkCover and Payroll Tax legislation and guidelines are far reaching and complex for employers. Annual Declarations without the required level of expertise can be difficult and there is a high chance of errors being made. This puts employers at risk of paying too much premium /tax if remuneration is being overstated. There is also a risk of being audited and penalized if the remuneration has been understated.  The incredibly challenging business environment Australia has faced over the past 18 months has added to this complexity and difficulty faced by employers. The Covid 19 Pandemic and resultant support programs like the JobKeeper scheme have added further challenges for businesses to deal with particularly around compliance.

Jokama Pty Ltd is a dedicated specialist, focusing their expertise solely in the area of Workcover and Payroll tax compliance. Rex Johnson – Owner- Lead Auditor has 17 years’ experience as a WorkCover and Payroll Tax auditor/ investigator with the VWA and State Revenue Office and 16 years (including 4 years at Ernst & Young) assisting employers with their WorkCover and Payroll Tax needs.  John Brewin – Business Development Manager has over 30 years’ experience running companies and employing thousands of employees. John is now directly using his hands on experience in assisting business’s in meeting their obligations, but not paying too much!

We can identify any errors through a review of past declarations and apply for refunds of premium and/or Payroll Tax if over declarations have occurred.   These errors can be highlighted so that they do not occur in the future. The review can be done on a success fee basis, no refund no fee. In addition to declaration errors, we have found that many employers are incorrectly classified for WorkCover purposes which can lead to major over payments of WorkCover premiums. A review would include an examination of your industry classification to ensure it is appropriate and correct and if not, apply to the agent for a correction to the classification and applicable refund remitted back to the business .

Recently, one of HRIA’s larger members Harry the hirer enlisted the assistance of John Brewin and Rex Johnson to review their compliance with WorkCover and Payroll Tax legislation and guidelines. The review resulted in Harry the Hirer receiving a substantial refund of WorkCover premium and a sizable reduction in their annual ongoing WorkCover expense.

This is what Brent Derbyshire – General Manager Operations at Harry the Hirer had to say:

“We are ever so pleased we engaged the expert services of John Brewin and Rex Johnson from Jokama. Rex’s expert eye and analysis helped us apply and receive a substantial refund and ongoing savings. We can only highly   recommend their review on a success fee basis.”

HRIA members can contact John Brewin, Business Development Manager at Jokama Pty Ltd

Email john@jokama.com.au

Mobile 0437996779

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