Hire and Rental News - February 2019 - Events in Focus

EVENTS IN FOCUS “...it is important we get events people involved and representing our market segment. If it’s not us representing ourselves – then who? We know the issues challenging the events market and we all have ideas of how we can approach resolving them...” A new value proposition for Events W elcome to 2019 and a new start for the Events Division of the HRIA; already we have been at work preparing the groundwork for our new Events Division committee to help raise our industry profile. So far we have several people participating and signed onto the committee but are still looking for additional events industry members to join and help steer the Events Division through setting goals and identifying key issues. We are really keen for members to drive the agenda. Events members are warmly invited to contact me or our national office to discuss how they might participate on our committee. Your involvement can be as big or as little as you can find time for; but it is important we get events people involved and representing our market segment. If it’s not us representing ourselves – then who? We know the issues challenging the events market and we all have ideas of how we can approach resolving them. We just need some commitment to help us get those issues in front of the right people and actually start doing something to fix it, rather than continue to just talk about it. First up is a planned teleconference for all committee members. We already have a basic agenda outline which will grow and develop as the year progresses and our committee takes shape. To date our agenda covers the items and identified industry challenges below. Naturally this is an agenda in flux and will change according to the committee’s abilities and efforts. 1. Fair Work Awards. It has been suggested we look at developing a fairer industry employment award specific to our industry that addresses the hours that go into our businesses and better represents the events segment. We can definitely all see the ‘Retail Award’ is only applicable to our business in one small section. Developing an award that covers and represents every part of our businesses and industry is a priority; 2. Training. This is an area where we can definitely improve. I see opportunity to increase our training options and improve industry safety standards as a result. Do we have any offers of industry training? Perhaps in marquee erection? Or weighting; 3. Work Visas for international workers. This is another major area of interest for our segment; 4. Safety. We are interested in setting some standards and work practices to improve safety in the events segment; 5. Increased engagement and activity the Events Division. We are keen to establish a new value proposition for the Events Division. If you are interested in joining our committee, volunteering some time (no matter how small) we’d love to hear from you. Contact the national office on 02 9998 2255 for more information or visit: www.hireandrental.com.au Erin Johnston Events Division President President’s message P44 HIRE AND RENTAL NEWS • EVENTS IN FOCUS FEBRUARY 2019