Hire and Rental News - August 2019

Essential skills for Women in Hire The Women in Hire breakfast discussion panel was an amazing look at how effective the program has become in just one year since its inception. S ix panellists gave us an overview of what participants can expect of the program. Here we look at two of the panel’s comments on the day. Skills mentee Jodi Grech, Victorian Operations Supervisor, Preston Hire learned, as part of her involvement in the Women in Hire program, have been “really essential to my professional development”. Jodi said Preston Hire supported her participation in the program and she valued the opportunity to meet and network with other Women in Hire participants. “My expectations were exceeded. I was partnered with Bernie from Harry the hirer and I got practical advice in a very hands-on format,” Jodi said. “The program helped me gain insight into my own life and helped me learn to set professional goals. “It’s too easy to say ‘I’m too busy to participate or start a program like this’, but it was well worth the few hours every month to attend the meetings,” Jodi said. Marina Pitisano, Career Practitioner and Coach, LetzCreate gave us some food for thought around applying for jobs. Marina said men and women apply for jobs differently. “16% of women are less likely to apply for a job if they don’t fit the whole criteria in the job description whereas the majority of men tend to apply if they fit 60% of the criteria,” Marina said. “Women need to give themselves permission to take risks and find opportunities. You never know what might happen,” she said. Interestingly, Marina said if women do apply for a role, they’re 18% more likely to get the job than a man. Marina also offered five tips for women to actively manage their careers. 1. Always be prepared: keep your CV up to date for opportunities that arise. Know your strengths and highlight your achievements. 2. Be a life time learner: keep your skills up-to-date in terms of licences, OH&S, computer literacy and all your employability skills. It’s important to be agile and adapt to change. 3. Find a mentor: partner with someone who can offer guidance and share wisdom. 4. Build your community: network and build your LinkedIn profile so you can reach out if and when you need help. 5. Give back to community: find ways to give back to your community, maybe through project management in your community programs. Look how you can match your skills to a worthy organisation who need volunteers. n Contact Dee De Laurier at HRIA national office on 02 9998 2255 or email: dee@hireandrental.com.au The panellists offered insights into the value of the Women in Hire program HIRE AND RENTAL NEWS AUGUST 2019 P5 ASSOCIATION NEWS S PECIALISED F ORCE HYDRAULIC TOOLS & ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT A WORLD PREMIERE PERFECT FOR PULLING LOADS BOTH INDOORS & OUTDOORS Capacity: 1 Tonne Speed: 11.6m/min Battery: 82V 4aH Li Weight: 9.5kg THE FIRST BATTERY-POWERED PORTABLE CAPSTAN WINCH