Hire and Rental News - August 2019

12. JLG hosted the Welcome Cocktails event on the Wednesday evening; 13. HIRE19 was well attended; 14. ARA President Kevin Hoffman was a keynote presenter on Day One; 15. Nicholas Guest HB Mann Judd – Valuing your Business presentation; 16. The team from Access Service Australia with UK guest, Chris Morris from Morris Site Machinery 17. Many equipment types were featured on the exhibition floor, including scaffolding; 18. The JLG hosted Welcome Cocktails provided plenty of scope for industry catch-ups; 19. The Workshop components of the Convention were very popular; 20. There was lots of activity on the exhibition floor; 21. The exhibition floor. HIRE AND RENTAL NEWS AUGUST 2019 P23 HIRE19 IN REVIEW 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 21