Hire and Rental News - November 2018

POWER & PUMPS LED conversion creates huge savings for refurbished lighting fleet After up to 10 years of service and between 10,000 to 20,000 hours of reliable operation, a fleet of AllightSykes Lighting Towers are returning to the workshop for a major service, refurbishing and maintenance regime with upgrades which will see fuel costs halved. According to Allight Sykes’ Territory Manager, Brett Hansen, the fleet of lighting towers for its client contracting services to the mining and civil sectors have worked reliably for 10,000 to 20,000 hours, so it’s time for a bit of love and attention. “After such a rigorous and sustained work history, often operating non-stop in some of the toughest environments in the world, quite simply, the engines get a bit tired,” Brett said. “Some of these machines were designed and commissioned in 2007, so while they’ve put in the hard yards and effectively done their job, there’s been significant advances in technology since they were first sent to the worksite. “By upgrading the existing metal halide lamps and converting to the latest LED technology, the refurbished trailer mounted lighting towers now deliver a brighter, more controlled arc of light. “Plus, the new LED lights also significantly lessen the load on the engine. With the engine operating at less revs, it reduces the fuel burn,” Brett said. “By converting these existingAllightSykes lighting towers from metal halide to LED technology and servicing the motors, we can reduce the fuel burn from 2.7 litres an hour down to 0.92 litres an hour. That’s a big saving; over half the cost of fuel,” Brett said. “The reduced fuel burn and the massive saving that represents is also due to the complete overhaul each machine receives. “Following a comprehensive safety and efficiency review, each machine is serviced according to our exacting maintenance schedule,” Mal Johnston, Service Manager said. “We look at everything, the belts, the radiator, engine mounts, hoses, the alternator, from top to bottom. If any parts need replacement, we do it on the spot. Or if they can be cleaned and made as good as new, we do that too. It’s all part of the AllightSykes service and upgrade.” Contact: 1300 255 444 or visit: www.allightsykes.com Complete overhaul of lighting towers has reduced fuel burn Free mobile pump selector available on your mobile or tablet A free and mobile friendly pump selector tool – Pump Flo – is now available from Allight Sykes which will help identify the exact pump for job requirements. Without a full understanding of the technology available, or a deeper insight into flow capacities and performance curves, it’s not uncommon to see clients choosing the default position and deciding on the ‘bigger is better’ option, Gert Inja, Pump Product Lifecycle Manager fromAllightSykes said. “This means, when the procurement process starts, many of these clients will be coming to us and asking for pump that is either oversized or undersized for their actual needs,” Gert said. “This is not only an inefficient solution it can also create unnecessary capital expenditure. Even more, in the long term, an oversized pump means they are paying for increased operational expenses beyond their actual needs. Clearly that’s not good for business,” Gert said. “To help our customers, before they start the actual procurement process and ask AllightSykes onsite for an official performance analysis and pump quote, we now offer mobile-friendly access to all of our latest pump products and associated operating data.” “There’s even an extremely clever simulation tool that allows you to perform an online operational pre-test,” Chris O’Brien, Pump Product Specialist from AllightSykes said. “With the ability to compare all AllightSykes pump product specs and performance parameters, it’s never been easier to select the right pump for your needs and budget. “And now it can be done on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop; you can access this info anywhere, anytime,” Chris said. Using Pump Flo provides a gateway to the procurement process with Allight Sykes and includes downloading data sheets and performance curves onto an email that can be sent to an AllightSykes pump product specialist. Visit website: www.allightsykes.com/about/PUMP-FLO 64 HIRE AND RENTAL NEWS • NOVEMBER 2018 Oversized or undersized pumps can lead to inefficiencies A free and mobile friendly pump selector tool – Pump Flo – is now available from Allight Sykes