Hire and Rental News - February 2018
forkforce.com 1300 4A FORK REPAIRS SALES HIRE ATTACHMENTS PARTS SERVICE DIRTY JOBS DONE DIRT CHEAP! QUALITY EUROPEAN DESIGN For more information contact: Gareth Clegg General Manager - Sales & Rental 0432 125 506 or gareth@forkforce.com NEW ENFORCER ROUGH TERRAIN 2.5 Tonne, 3 stage container mast, Japanese Yanmar engine, Integrated side-shift. Terms&Conditionsapply toallproducts&services listed.AllpricesexcludeGST& transportcharges.Allapplicantsmustwarrant that theyarecreditworthy.The ‘Rent-to-Own’Programofferexcludesmaintenance,arebasedoncurrent list price&depositrequirements.All ‘Rent-To-Own’Programapplicantsmustwarranttheyarecreditworthy.Allofferssubjecttoavailabilityattimeoforder.Nottobeused inconjunctionwithanyotheroffer.All liftcapacities listedarenominal. Images are for illustrative purposes only. We reserve the right to correct errors & omissions. Fork Force Australia are only the exclusive dealer for Ausa, Maximal and Enforcer. Offers expire 30th November 2017 or until sold out. $500 Caltex voucherappliesstrictly to theunitson thissale.Salemustbesignedandcompletedby30thNovember2017.ForkForcedoesnotprovidefinancialadvice.Pleaseconsultyourfinancialadvisoron taxdeductioneligibility. RETAIL $69,990 + GST HRIA MEMBER $ 61,990 + GST NEW AUSA ROUGH TERRAIN 5 Tonne, 3.7mmast, Japanese Kubota engine, Semi-cabin, Integrated side-shift. RETAIL $34,990 + GST HRIA MEMBER $ 28,990 + GST RETAIL $78,990 + GST HRIA MEMBER $ 65,990 + GST RETAIL $94,990 + GST HRIA MEMBER $ 84,990 + GST NEW AUSA ROUGH TERRAIN 2.5 Tonne, 3 stage container mast, Japanese Kubota engine, Air-conditioned cabin, Integrated side-shift. NEW ENFORCER ROUGH TERRAIN 5 Tonne, 3 stage 4m mast, Perkins engine, Air- conditioned cabin, Integrated side-shift, Camera system, Fork- positioner. Offers Include a BONUS $ 500 CALTEX CARD!!