Hire and Rental News - November 2017

EQUIPMENT DELIVERIES MADE EASY Xtreme EZ Loader custom-built delivery truck beds make hauling equipment safer and more productive. With the convenience of a 17 second ramp deployment, integrated winch, simple operator controls, and a full traction plate knife edge ramp, making equipment deliveries has never been easier. Available custom-built on your own chassis, or as a complete truck, the Xtreme EZ18 shown has a bed length of 7.69m and a capacity of 8,165kg. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT AHERN AUSTRALIA ON 02 9609 8500. XTREME E-Z LOADER: CUSTOM BUILT DELIVERY TRUCK BEDS 17 SECOND RAMP DEPLOYMENT | DOCK LOADING ABILITY | TOW CAPABILITIES | POSITIVE TAIL LOCK www.ahernaustralia.com.au SIMPLE OPERATOR CONTROLS INTEGRATED WINCH TRACTION PLATE FULL RAMP