WA Workers Compensation Act Changes Imminent
Martin Sinclair Jun 13

Changes to the Western Australian Workers Compensation Act come into force from 1st July 2024.
The legislative updates could affect HRIA members, who are urged to familiarise themselves on the changes which include:
- Reporting Timeframes for claims (Significant penalties for claims delays)
- Increase of the General Limit Amount
- Return-to-Work Programs
- Employers will be Prohibited From Attending Worker Treatment Appointments
- Workers’ Compensation Privacy During Pre-Employment Screening
- Exclusion of Psychological or Psychiatric Disorders
Specialist advice is available at the next HRIA/EWPA WA State Meeting/Trade Night on August 7th. Members are advised to look out for notifications from the National Office regarding times, date and venue information.
Members are also encouraged to contact Hire Insurance Brokers, who can respond to questions relating to the changes in the meantime.
Justin Purslowe (Bcom UWA, Dip Insurance Broking, QPIB)
p: 08 6274 0527 / m: 0418 918 951
e: justin@hireinsurancebrokers.com.au