Victoria Events Update for ‘Outdoor Spaces’ & Sydney Convention Centre gets the green light
Martin Sinclair Nov 05

VIC Member Update – Event hire company restrictions – ‘Outdoor Spaces’ classification for the Hospitality Industry
The Hire and Rental Industry Association (HRIA) National Office continues to monitor the evolving situation in relation to the impact of COVID-19. In particular we have been following up for Events hire members to obtain clarification around the definition of ‘Outdoor Spaces’.
We are now able to advise VIC members of further clarification on the definition of ‘Outdoor Spaces’ in relation to the Hospitality Industry –
• Outdoor space: ‘Outdoors’ means a space with no roof; or an open-air space designated for the consumption of food and/or beverages, which may have a temporary or fixed cover (e.g. awning or roof) so long as such cover has at least two open sides for airflow.
• Roof: any structure or device (whether fixed or movable) that prevents or significantly impedes upward airflow, including a ceiling.
• Wall: any structure or device (fixed or movable) that prevents or significantly impedes lateral airflow, including a closed window or door.
An outdoor space may include any of the following spaces:
• A balcony or veranda
• A courtyard
• A rooftop
• A marquee
• A street or footpath
• Any similar outdoor areas
For the definition of what is an indoor vs outdoor space for hospitality venues, this can be found in the “Industry Restart Guidelines Document – Hospitality” which can be found on the Accommodation and food services sector guidance page on the Victorian Government website. This document is located under Industry Restart Guidelines.
Under the current Third Step – all equipment hire is permitted. However you should check the Government website for specific details relating to the Industry you are hiring too as well as other current restrictions (ie 10 people in a public place, 10 people in attendance at a wedding, 20 people attending a funeral).
ICC gets the green light
Sydney’s prestigious International Convention Centre last week won approval to host major indoor events. The venue is able to proceed with public exhibitions of any size under the current health order, subject to the 4-square meter rule.
Talking to Spice News, “We’ve been in dialogue with the health department authorities for several weeks now, bringing them up [to speed] on our processes and COVID-safe plans, which are very broad and diverse and draw from our from our global group’s VenueShield documentation,” he said.
“I think what came across to the health department officials is that exhibitions are really well controlled and very well managed environments. Entry points can be controlled, the time that people are together and the distance they’re experiencing within the halls can be very well controlled.”
Conferences and corporate exhibitions still under review
The rule does not apply to exhibitions that form part of a corporate event, such as conferences, which are still subject to NSW Government capacity limits of 300 person per event.
Read the full article in Spice News here.
Any further updates we will advise members. If you have any questions, please email or call the national office.