Three modular Site Bright lighting towers launched
Hire & Rental Aug 25

Shindaiwa Generators and Welders Australia launched the new range of SiteBright mobile lighting towers at HIRE19, initially offering three models of the modular Italtower manufactured lighting towers, from Padova, Italy.
Italtower is renowned for its expertise in electrical design control and has many years’ experience in manufacturing, Nick Oates, General Manager – Sales & Marketing at Shindaiwa Generators and Welders Australia said.
The first three SiteBright models – the Okapi, Basetower and Astrid – available in Australia feature four 300Watt LED output and utilise quality Kohler diesel driven water cooled engines with LINZ generators on both Astrid mobile integral trailer mounts and Okapi stationery base mounts, Nick said.
“All three models have an 8.5m hydraulic mast operated with 355 degree rotation, all feature automatic light sensor operation, and will provide a light area of up to 48,000m3. Wind rated at 100kph, the new SiteBright lighting towers operate either via an inbuilt Kohler driven quality Linz generator or directly off mains power,” Nick said.
“The BaseTower has a compact footprint and it can be be daisy chained from either an Okapi or Astrid. In turn they can also provide auxiliary power output with 15amp 240V single phase outlet standard.
“The Site Bright mobile lighting towers offer low operating cost, reliability and portability, plus the Astrid has a genuine 110kph rated trailer and an automated mast.”
Nick said while there are multiple options up to 10 models available ex Italy, the decision was made to start with a modular line up of the three Site Bright models.
“With our years of experience in product introduction and closeness to rental industry we figured we would take a slow and steady approach,” Nick said.
Feedback from rental partners has been positive to date.
“Customers like the European quality and the fact we have tailored the product offering to suit the ANZ market. Site Bright lighting towers are competitively priced, but the market also dictated quality and performance which is why we partnered with ItalTower.
“Shindaiwa Generators and Welders Australia is pleased to distribute throughout the Australia and New Zealand region and it was also just announced in our UK operations we are covering, England, Scotland and Ireland,” Nick said.
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