Temporary fencing standard now open for public comment
Martin Sinclair May 28

The HRIA wants to notify members that the Australian Standard AS4687.1-4 for temporary fencing and hoardings is now available for public comment.
Public comments can be made until Friday, July 9, 2021.
To comment, use the following links to register or login to the the drafts:
DR AS 4687.1 – https://comment.standards.org.au/Drafts/2182cdf3-f7b6-4ec1-b534-a270ca81b987
DR AS 4687.2 – https://comment.standards.org.au/Drafts/39349471-9da3-4f4e-83d2-7e3abef19f17
DR AS 4687.3 – https://comment.standards.org.au/Drafts/c6c947a4-4c00-40ea-bdfe-9b55f6c4133e
DR AS 4687.1 – https://comment.standards.org.au/Drafts/e6a132a2-5001-4c1b-a742-c60780eaa0e6