Secondary guarding standard on Dino trailer mount EWPs
Hire & Rental Jan 03

Dino SafeGuard secondary guarding is available on all Dinolift trailer mounted EWPs, available in Australia from LIFT EWP.
The Finnish aerial work platform manufacturer, Dinolift Oy, offers Dino SafeGuard secondary guarding on all its self-propelled MEWPs and trailer boom lifts.
Michael Scott, Business Partner LIFT EWP said the Dino SafeGuard safety device works as a secondary guarding for the operator when working in constricted areas or on work sites where there is an entrapment risk over the control box.
“Dino SafeGuard is a well-engineered product ahead of the game and now available in Australia,” Michael said.
Michael said more construction sites owners and hirers of mobile elevating work platforms are now required to have secondary guarding fitted to boom lifts.
“It’s been a costly challenge to meet customers’ requirements. With the exception of one or two European OEMs that have had secondary guarding systems for some time, most have been scrambling to design and supply systems that meet operators and WHS requirements,” Michael said.
“Initially the principal OEMs worked with third party manufacturers of secondary guarding systems which came with supply chain issues and opportunities to improve the design and reliability.
“We are now seeing third generation systems OEMs have developed in house. This evolution is being rolled out on new boom lifts as a standard accessory which will reduce the cost and increase availability.
“The next hurdle is in sight. There is no doubt the regulators and MEWP industry want to offer the safest solution to working at height. As technology and design improves we will see secondary guarding on other types of work platforms, for example scissor lifts, which will come with a new bunch of operational challenges to overcome.
“The 13m trailer mount boom lift ‘cherry picker’ is the bread and butter MEWP in most Australian rental yards and in due course there will be requests for secondary guarding,” Michael said.
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