Safework NSW launch guidance on managing psychosocial hazards at work
Martin Sinclair Jul 21

SafeWork NSW recently launched guidance on how employers can manage psychological hazards at work
The approved Code of Practice provides practical guidance on managing psychosocial hazards at work. The ‘Code’ was developed under section 274 of the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (WHS Act).Code of Practice for Managing psychosocial hazards at work (PDF 1MB)
No business ever wants to see their workers harmed just because they did their job. This video was developed in conjunction with the Code’s launch in May 2021 and provides a brief overview (45 seconds).
Scope and application
This Code is intended to be read by persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU), usually an employer or business, and those who have duties under the WHS Act. It provides practical guidance on the process a PCBU could use to identify and to manage psychosocial hazards at work.
You should use this code of practice if you have functions or responsibilities that involve managing, so far as is reasonably practicable, exposure to psychosocial hazards and risks to psychological and physical health and safety at work.
The Code may also be a useful reference for other persons interested in complying with the duties under the WHS Act and WHS Regulation. Examples in this code identify actions a PCBU, an officer of a PCBU, a worker, or other persons should take, but which by themselves may not be sufficient to fulfil a PCBU’s obligations or a worker’s or other person’s responsibility under WHS legislation.
This Code applies to all work and workplaces covered by the WHS Act. Throughout this code, the reasonably practicable limitation under section 18 of the WHS Act applies to the general duty.
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Who has duties to manage psychosocial hazards at work?
- What is involved in managing psychosocial hazards at work?
- Responding to a report of a psychosocial risk or incident
- Supporting a safe return to work after a work-related harm
- Appendix A: Example scenarios for managing psychosocial hazards and risks at work
- Appendix B: Example of a Risk Register
Download the Code of Practice: Managing psychosocial hazards at work