Hire And Rental News

Humpty Dumpty Foundation & Kennards Hire donate open care warmers for vulnerable newborns

The Humpty Dumpty Foundation and Kennards Hire have donated three highly specialised mobile intensive care beds for vulnerable newborns to the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

The donated Babytherm 8010 Open Care Warmers will play an important part in the care delivered in the Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care. The beds closely simulate the protective and nurturing environment of a mother’s womb by regulating heat and humidity and providing a quiet, stable space. This creates ideal conditions for vulnerable babies who’ve undergone cardiac surgery, other major surgery or have complex medical conditions.

For Kennards Hire’s General Manager, Marketing & Customer Experience, Manelle Merhi, it was an emotional moment. “A few short years ago my twin boys were born as 26-week premmies and for four-and-a-half months, I was the direct recipient of the unbelievable life-changing care provided by the Newborn Intensive Care Unit team. To now be on the other side of that journey and represent Kennards Hire in providing these machines is incredibly special for me.”

Improving the care of critically ill newborns

Grace Centre for Newborn Intensive Care Medical Director and Co-Head, Professor Nadia Badawi AM, said the Babytherms would significantly improve the care of critically ill newborns. “With the invaluable support of organisations like the Humpty Dumpty Foundation and its community of supporters, these lifesaving resources are available precisely when they are needed most.”

Humpty Dumpty Foundation CEO & Managing Director, Claire Reaney, said Humpty was thrilled to partner with Kennards Hire to donate the Babytherms. “The Grace Centre cares for more than 600 premature newborns, neonates and critically ill infants with complex medical conditions annually, who are often the state’s sickest infants,” she said. “This state-of-the-art, fit-for-purpose equipment will ensure they continue to achieve the most positive health outcomes for children across New South Wales.”

The donation is one of 12 pieces of paediatric lifesaving medical equipment donated to nine hospitals across Australia by Kennards Hire in 2024 through the Humpty Dumpty Foundation, including:

The Humpty Dumpty Foundation is the largest charitable supplier of children’s medical equipment and health initiatives behind state and territory governments across Australia. Humpty’s impact dramatically increases positive health outcomes for sick babies and children by ensuring hospitals have access to state-of-the-art, easy-to-use and reliable equipment. humpty.org.au

Photo:  Leah Winder, Darren Simmons, Manelle Merhi, Prof Nadia Badawi, Dr Himanshu Popat & Claire Reaney

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