Australian Electrical Standards Update – AS/NZS 3760 and AS/NZS 4249
Martin Sinclair Jul 14

The National Office would like to advise members that the following Standards Australia publications have been published
AS/NZS 3760:2022 In Service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment and RCDs
The document has been revised and updated from the 2010 version that has included a name change which now includes RCDs
The Structure of the document is the same as the prior version with some changes but not limited to the following :
- Table 2.1 Leakage current limits with a note added
- Notes 3 & 4 have been added and changed Clarifying PRCDs and use of Test Button
- Has had some alterations with the inclusion of connectors and their associated polarity
- Testing of Arc Welders, the addition of a Visual check that the Voltage Reduction device is operational if fitted
- 2.6 Documentation , a number of changes where Australia and New Zealand have their own requirements
- Table 4 Column E & F has a change to the above heading referencing Australia and a new Type of Environment, 8 Second Hand Equipment
- Appendix A: Has had some inclusions and rewording around Marking , Functional Earthing Symbols , Verification of test equipment
- Appendix B: Has had added the competent person have knowledge of Guards and Barriers ref: B.1.4 H
- Appendix E: Has been modernised with the inclusion of the use of PAT testers in the test set ups see Fig E1,E2,E3,E4
- Appendix F: Has addressed where the measuring of Class 1 and Class 2 isolation transformers takes place
- Fig F1 has been updated showing a PAT instrument
- Appendix G: Fig G1 has been updated showing a PAT instrument
- Appendix H: Has had a correction in H3.1 (6) and now reads 300 ms for a 30mA unit
- Some rewording and clarification of H3.2 and consolidating 3.2.1 from the old standard
- Appendix J J3 Operational Risks has been removed
- Appendix K updated
A definition has been added 1.4.23 Third Party : This is in regard to requirements in NZ and note 2.6.1 Australia does not call for it as records should be kept, but as a business there may be merit in requesting this especially if your engaging third party testing providers to ensure the quality of the testing is carried out
AS/NZS 4249:2022 Electrical installations and safety practices – Film, video and television sites
This document is to specify safe working and installation practices for the supply and use of electricity for equipment, accessories and lighting on limited-duration film, video and television sites, updated from the 1994 version .
The structure of this document has changed, the following is a guide for users of this document to showing the new sections and some of the requirements covered:
(a) Section 1 Scope and General
- provides the scope and clarification of inclusions, exclusions such as limited duration, it also provides what’s in scope and out of scope and varies the requirements of AS/NZS3000 and AS /NZS 3002 on limited duration sites
(b) Section 2 Safety Practices provides all relevant safety requirements such as.
- Inspection and tests,
- imported equipment
(c) Section 3 provides all relevant installation requirements.
- Calls out the transitioning period of type AC RCDs to Type A, Type AC shall not be installed after 24 months from publication date of AS/NZS3000 2018 being 30 April 2021
- A number of references to AS/NZS3002: 2021 “Electrical Installations Shows and Carnivals” are called out that provide detailed guidance on Wiring systems and Switchboards
- 3.7 has had clarified the use and imposed limitations on the use of 3 Pin Plug Adaptors
- A number of references to KSPC is used throughout the document , definition of this is found in AS/NZS3002 where Industry wrongly terms these as Power Locks but they are actually Keyed Single Pole Connectors (KSPC)
(d) Section 4 provides initial and periodic verification requirements including documentation.
The technical committee recommends you utilise AS/NZS 3002, AS/NZS 3000, AS3008.1 in conjunction with this document, these will assist in the installation methods of wiring systems and cable sizing.